August 2014
Students Win in the Iowa NSF EPSCoR Annual Meeting Poster Competition
Shan He and Esdras Murillo, with the poster Distributed data acquisition system design to measure indoor air stratification won the third place in the EPSCoR annual meeting poster competition.
Posted in Interlock HouseCBER get involved with Ames Summer Enrichment Program
CBER researcher Shan He and intern Mackenzie Betz volunteered to give 6 classes on building science for Ames Summer Enrichment Program. About 40 students entering 4th and 5th grade took the whole 6 classes.
Class content is hands-on experiment looking for "What makes me feel hot or cold?". From the pre- and post-assessment survey, about 10% students increased their interests in science through this class. Shan has developed the curriculum into basic, medium and advanced modules, and can cover different levels for K-12 education.
Posted in Interlock HouseCBER researcher presented at ASHRAE 2014 Annual Conference
Shan He, a research associate from ISU CBER team presented at the 2014 ASHRAE (The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air-Conditioning Engineers) Annual Conference. Her presnetation is about the energy efficiency study on the Interlock House with post-occupancy measurement and data analysis. This study alert that a net-zero designed house could be low energy efficient if not operated as designed. Occupants and maintanance team needs to learn how to operate a hybrid designed house.
Posted in Interlock House